Christel Dauwe Collection : Adventscalender : Re-usable calender


This Re-usable adventcalender is 72 by 54 cm big.

It contians

22 red boxes size : 4x4x4 cm

1 golden box size : 6x6x4 cm

1 golden box size :7,5x6x4 cm

it is a real treat for the mother, aunt, grandmother, father, uncle…… who wants to fill and adventcalaneder by her /him self and so really ccombinate the gifts of joy.

Some idea’s :

  • different make-up items (you can source samples at your local shops)
  • different items of (fake) juwelery
  • different sets of barbie or other doll cloths distributed in the boxes
  • pieces of lego or other blocks
  • a bigger puzzle with each box a handfull of pieces
  • pre-wrapped candy (as not to get the box dirty)
  • win or fail boxes with exciting stuff
  • gift certificates
  • a tea calender you canput together your sel(the ones you buy pre-made always has some you do not like)
  • letters in eachbox so in the end the name of your gift can be made like a scrabble game.
  • miniature christmas ornaments
  • pictures to put on a garland
  • etc

you really can be creative with this adventcalender. It comes in a sturdy box so you can easily store it for next season like under a bed or somewhere that suits you best.


Weight ,3 kg
Dimensions 80 × 60 × 8 cm