Christel Dauwe Collection : christmas decoration : Zwarte Piet


This fellow travels the low-countries (Belgium and Holland) together with Saint-Nicolas.

They bring joy and happiness to all children on 5 December he visits the children in holland  and 6 December in Belgium and  puts sweets or a small toy in their shoe.

Already weeks before children start singing the special “Saint-Nicolas” songs and putting their shoe near the fire place and if Piet and Nicolas are not to busy they already leave a small surprise in the shoe. Parents teach their children that if you leave a treat for Nicolas’s horse it is more certain that the horse will lead Nicolas to your house.

In the 19 th and 20 th century this celebration was real big with Saint-Nicolas and his Piet-en coming from Spain by ship in all major harbors.   Candy was only for special occasions and this was one of them.


An then somebody jelled : Discrimination. The helper of Saint-Nicolas is black and …..

Not one child ever thought about this, they just belong together,  Black and White as equals, it is historic.  It is for children they do not think about discrimination  they are just happy to get the treats.

Weight ,3 kg
Dimensions 16 cm